Jim and Judy Partridge, June 11, 2016
Jim & Judy Partridge, June 11, 2016. Housed on a three-quarter acre lot, this garden has evolved over three decades. Pushing the envelope of landscaping, it is much more then the exotic trees, plants, shrubs and flowers that surround the house. The garden is tastefully separated into fabulous rooms. Looking in every direction there are fascinating sites. Walking along the pine needle covered paths you will see eclectic birdhouses, a zen garden made of bamboo and crushed granite, a funky tree house buried amongst the pines overlooking a waterfall bubbling into one of the ponds, and sculptures from around the world. What started as a blank canvas, now resembles an enchanted forest from a childhood fairytale book. This garden is a living, breathing symbol of the artist’s passion for nature and intuitive addition of horticulture, and a heartfelt desire to place themselves in a tranquil setting.